
(中国人民解放军总医院第六医学中心心血管病医学部,北京 100048)







Effect of left ventricle myocardial work on left atrial strain in patients with different grades of heart failure

(Senior Department of Cardiology, Sixth Medical Center, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100048, China)

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    目的 研究高血压病患者不同心功能状态下左室心肌做功对左房储存期纵向应变(LASr)的影响。方法 选择2022年3月至4月解放军总医院心血管病医学部连续入组的78例高血压病患者为研究对象。根据欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)心力衰竭分类方法,将心功能正常患者纳入对照组(n=43),射血分数(EF)<50%患者纳入射血分数减低心力衰竭(EFrHF)组(n=8),EF≥50%患者纳入射血分数保留心力衰竭(EFpHF)组(n=27)。采用GE Vivid E95超声诊断仪获得并留存二维及三维超声心动图图像,选择4D auto LAQ功能计算左房容量及LASr,结合左室长轴应变与患者血压值获得的压力-应变环,获得左室心肌做功指标,包括整体做功指数(GWI)、整体有效做功(GCW)、整体无效做功(GWW)及整体做功效率(GWE)。采用SPSS 23.0软件进行数据分析。根据数据类型,组间比较分别采用t检验、单因素方差分析及χ2检验。采用Pearson相关系数及协方差分析左室心肌做功指标与LASr间的相关性。结果 对照组与HFpEF组GWI、GCW均高于HFrEF组(P<0.01),HFrEF组与HFpEF组GWW均高于对照组(P<0.05);3组间GWE两两比较,差异均有统计学意义,且HFrEF最低,对照组高于HFpEF组(P<0.01);3组间LASr两两比较,差异均有统计学意义,且对照组LASr最高,HFrEF组LASr最低(P<0.01)。不同组别中GWI与LASr均呈线性关系,且与分组无关。在控制GWI的影响后,经协方差分析显示,心功能分级不同的患者其LASr分布有统计学意义(F=9.46;P<0.01),且心功能分级越差的患者其LASr越低。结论 射血分数低于50%,左室做功指数及有效做功均降低,无效做功增加,EFpHF患者有效做功可以保持正常,但已出现无效做功的增加,做功效率的降低。无论心功能分级如何,LASr随左室做功指数减低进行性下降,三维LASr可作为反映心室收缩功能的指标之一用于临床。


    Objective To investigate the effect of left ventricular (LV) myocardial work on left atrial reservior function in hypertension patients with different grades of heart failure (HF). Methods A total of 78 hypertension patients admitted in Sixth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital from March to April 2022 were consecutively recruited in this study. According to European Society of Cardiology heart failure classification, 43 patients with normal heart function were assigned into control group, 8 patients with ejection fraction(EF) <50% into HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) group, and 27 with EF ≥50% into HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) group. Vivid E95 4D Cardiac Ultrasound Machine (GE) was used to acquire 2D and 3D echo images, and 4D auto LAQ was employed to calculate LA volume and LASr. Based on LV longitudinal strain and blood pressure, pressure-strain loop were calculated to obtain LV myocardial work indicators, including global work index (GWI), global constructive work (GCW), global waste work (GWW) and global work efficiency (GWE). SPSS statistics 23.0 was used for statistical analysis. Data comparison between two groups was performed using student′s t test, ANOVA or Chi-square test depending on data type. Pearson correlation coefficient and covariance analysis were applied to investigate the correlation between LV myocardial work indicators and LASr. Results The GWI and GCW values were significantly higher in the control and HFpEF groups than the EFrHF group (P<0.01). The GWW value in the EFrHF and HFpEF groups was obviously higher than that in the control groups (P<0.05). Statistical differences were observed in the GWE value between any two groups, and the lowest value was seen in the HFrEF group, and that of the control group was higher than the EFpHF group (P<0.01). There were notably difference in LASr among the three groups, with the control group having the highest and the EFrHF group the smallest (P<0.01). A liner relationship was observed between GWI and LASr in different groups, which was independent of grouping. After controlling the effect of GWI, ANOVA indicated that significant difference was seen in LASr among the patients with different cardiac function (F=9.46; P<0.01). The worse the cardiac function was, the lower the LASr. Conclusion For the patients with EF <50%, both GWI and GCW values are decreased, while GWW value is increased. The HFpEF patients still have normal LV myocardial work, though with increasing GWW and declining GCW. No matter which classification of HF, LASr is reduced with the decline of GWI. 3D LA reservoir strain can be used as one of indicators for evaluating left ventricular function in clinical practice.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-10-16
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-11-26
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